Scientific articles by authors of several countries over world total, 2005*
United States 28.94
Japan 7.82
United Kingdom 6.42
Germany 6.22
China 5.86
France 4.27
Canada 3.64
Italy 3.47
Spain 2.58
Korea 2.31
Australia 2.25
India 2.06
Russia 2.03
Netherlands 1.96
Taiwan 1.53
Sweden 1.41
Brazil 1.39
Switzerland 1.23
Source: National Science Foundation, Science & Engineering Indicators, 2008.
*By country and not by language.
Scientific journals by language
language number of titles and percentage of total
English 28,131 titles, 45.24%
German 6,848 11.01%
Chinese (Mandarin) 4,047 6.51%
Spanish 3,522 5.66%
French 3,074 4.94%
Japanese 2,149 3.46%
Italian 1,860 2.99%
Polish 1,060 1.7%
Portuguese 1,055 1.7%
Dutch 922 1.48%
Russian 808 1.3%
Source: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, "academic/scholarly" section, 2007.
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