Friday, September 10, 2010

An update

Morgen, morgen, nur nicht heute, sagen alle faulen Leute. Or something like that. My German studies have stalled, Italian is deteriorating to such an extent I'm afraid it's at this point irreparably damaged, French is a disaster... Linguistically, I am in a corner, ready to curl up into the fetal position and suck my thumb. On the positive side, I am still alive...


  1. When I can't get motivated, I just find something easy. For me it's dubbed american tv feels so easy for me to sit down and waste a few hours watching german-dubbed star trek or CSI (and yes, I know some people hate dubbing. to each their own.)

    Lately I've been on an audiobook kick. I read in English while listening in Swedish, and I've been having a great time. I read several books already this week, and now I'm starting on Stieg Larsson's series.

    Some is better than none. Just find something fun :)

  2. I owe pretty much everything I know in German to TV shows. I lack the time and the energy to make a "serious" effort so I keep watching TV and listening to audiobooks. Quality time is scarce and I often waste it and that pisses me off.
